function convert_to_unicode() { var array_one = new Array( "ç","˜",".","'m","]m","Fmf","Fm", ")","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(", "k|m","em","km","Qm","qm","N˜", "¡","¢","1","2","4",">","?","B","I","Q","ß", "q","„","‹","•","›","§","°","¶","¿","Å", "Ë","Ì","Í","Î","Ý","å", "6«","7«","8«","9«", "Ø","|", "8Þ","9Þ", "S","s","V","v","U","u","£","3","ª", "R","r","5","H","h","‰","´","~", "`", "6","7","8","9","0", "T","t","Y","y","b","W","w","G","g", "K","k","ˆ","A","a","E", "e","D","d", "o","/","N","n","J", "j", "Z","z","i",":",";","X","x", "cf‘","c‘f","cf}","cf]","cf","c","O{","O","pm","p","C","P]","P", "f‘","\"","'","+","f","[","\\","]","}","F", "L","M", "्ा","्ो","्ौ","अो","अा","आै","आे","ाो","ाॅ","ाे", "ंु","ेे","अै","ाे","अे","ंा","अॅ","ाै","ैा","ंृ", "ँा","ँू","ेा","ंे") // Remove typing mistakes in the original file //"_","Ö","Ù","Ú","Û","Ü","Þ","Æ","±","-","<","=") // Punctuation marks var array_two = new Array( "ॐ","ऽ","।","m'","m]","mfF","mF", "०","१","२","३","४","५","६","७","८","९", "फ्र","झ","फ","क्त","क्र","ल", "ज्ञ्","द्घ","ज्ञ","द्द","द्ध","श्र","रु","द्य","क्ष्","त्त","द्म", "त्र","ध्र","ङ्घ","ड्ड","द्र","ट्ट","ड्ढ","ठ्ठ","रू","हृ", "ङ्ग","त्र","ङ्क","ङ्ख","ट्ठ","द्व", "ट्र","ठ्र","ड्र","ढ्र", "्य","्र", "ड़","ढ़", "क्","क","ख्","ख","ग्","ग","घ्","घ", "ङ", "च्","च","छ","ज्","ज","झ्","झ","ञ्", "ञ", "ट","ठ","ड","ढ","ण्", "त्","त","थ्","थ","द","ध्","ध","न्","न", "प्","प","फ्","ब्","ब","भ्","भ","म्","म", "य","र","ल्","ल","व्","व","श्","श","ष्","स्","स","ह्","ह", "ऑ","ऑ","औ","ओ","आ","अ","ई","इ","ऊ","उ","ऋ","ऐ","ए", "ॉ","ू","ु","ं","ा","ृ","्","े","ै","ँ","ी","ः", "","े","ै","ओ","आ","औ","ओ","ो","ॉ","ो", "ुं","े","अ‍ै","ो","अ‍े","ां","अ‍ॅ","ौ","ौ","ृं", "ाँ","ूँ","ो","ें") // Remove typing mistakes in the original file // ")","=", ";", "’","!","%",".","”","+","(","?",".") // Punctuation marks //************************************************************************************** // The following two characters are to be replaced through proper checking of locations: //************************************************************************************** // "l", // "ि", // // "{" // "र्" (reph) //************************************************************************************** var array_one_length = array_one.length ; var modified_substring = document.getElementById("legacy_text").value ; Replace_Symbols( ) ; processed_text = modified_substring ; document.getElementById("unicode_text").value = processed_text ; // -------------------------------------------------- function Replace_Symbols( ) { //substitute array_two elements in place of corresponding array_one elements if ( modified_substring != "" ) // if stringto be converted is non-blank then no need of any processing. { for ( input_symbol_idx = 0; input_symbol_idx < array_one_length; input_symbol_idx++ ) { // alert(" modified substring = "+modified_substring) //*********************************************************** // if (input_symbol_idx==106) // { alert(" input_symbol_idx = "+input_symbol_idx); // alert(" input_symbol_idx = "+input_symbol_idx) //; alert(" character =" + modified_substring.CharCodeAt(input_symbol_idx)) // alert(" character = "+modified_string.fromCharCode(input_symbol_idx)) // } // if (input_symbol_idx == 107) // { alert(" input_symbol_idx = "+input_symbol_idx); // alert(" character = ",+string.fromCharCode(input_symbol_idx)) // } //*********************************************************** idx = 0 ; // index of the symbol being searched for replacement while (idx != -1 ) //while-00 { modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( array_one[ input_symbol_idx ] , array_two[input_symbol_idx] ) idx = modified_substring.indexOf( array_one[input_symbol_idx] ) } // end of while-00 loop // alert(" end of while loop") } // end of for loop // alert(" end of for loop") // alert(" modified substring2 = "+modified_substring) //******************************************************* var position_of_i = modified_substring.indexOf( "l" ) while ( position_of_i != -1 ) //while-02 { var charecter_next_to_i = modified_substring.charAt( position_of_i + 1 ) var charecter_to_be_replaced = "l" + charecter_next_to_i modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , charecter_next_to_i + "ि" ) position_of_i = /l/ , position_of_i + 1 ) // search for i ahead of the current position. } // end of while-02 loop //********************************************************************************** // End of Code for Replacing four Special glyphs //********************************************************************************** // following loop to eliminate 'chhotee ee kee maatraa' on half-letters as a result of above transformation. var position_of_wrong_ee = modified_substring.indexOf( "ि्" ) while ( position_of_wrong_ee != -1 ) //while-03 { var consonent_next_to_wrong_ee = modified_substring.charAt( position_of_wrong_ee + 2 ) var charecter_to_be_replaced = "ि्" + consonent_next_to_wrong_ee modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , "्" + consonent_next_to_wrong_ee + "ि" ) position_of_wrong_ee = /ि्/ , position_of_wrong_ee + 2 ) // search for 'wrong ee' ahead of the current position. } // end of while-03 loop // following loop to eliminate 'chhotee ee kee maatraa' on half-letters as a result of above transformation. var position_of_wrong_ee = modified_substring.indexOf( "िं्" ) while ( position_of_wrong_ee != -1 ) //while-03 { var consonent_next_to_wrong_ee = modified_substring.charAt( position_of_wrong_ee + 3 ) var charecter_to_be_replaced = "िं्" + consonent_next_to_wrong_ee modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , "्" + consonent_next_to_wrong_ee + "िं" ) position_of_wrong_ee = /िं्/ , position_of_wrong_ee + 3 ) // search for 'wrong ee' ahead of the current position. } // end of while-03 loop // Eliminating reph "Ô" and putting 'half - r' at proper position for this. set_of_matras = "ा ि ी ु ू ृ े ै ो ौ ं : ँ ॅ" var position_of_R = modified_substring.indexOf( "{" ) while ( position_of_R > 0 ) // while-04 { probable_position_of_half_r = position_of_R - 1 ; var charecter_at_probable_position_of_half_r = modified_substring.charAt( probable_position_of_half_r ) // trying to find non-maatra position left to current O (ie, half -r). while ( set_of_matras.match( charecter_at_probable_position_of_half_r ) != null ) // while-05 { probable_position_of_half_r = probable_position_of_half_r - 1 ; charecter_at_probable_position_of_half_r = modified_substring.charAt( probable_position_of_half_r ) ; } // end of while-05 charecter_to_be_replaced = modified_substring.substr ( probable_position_of_half_r , ( position_of_R - probable_position_of_half_r ) ) ; new_replacement_string = "र्" + charecter_to_be_replaced ; charecter_to_be_replaced = charecter_to_be_replaced + "{" ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , new_replacement_string ) ; position_of_R = modified_substring.indexOf( "{" ) ; } // end of while-04 // global conversion of punctuation marks // "=","_","Ö","Ù","‘","Ú","Û","Ü","æ","Æ","±","-","<", // ".",")","=", ";","…", "’","!","%","“","”","+","(","?", modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /=/g , "." ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /_/g , ")" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Ö/g , "=" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Ù/g , ";" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /…/g , "‘" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Ú/g , "’" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Û/g , "!" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Ü/g , "%" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /æ/g , "“" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Æ/g , "”" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /±/g , "+" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /-/g , "(" ) ; modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /","?","B","I","If","Q","ß", "q","„","‹","•","›","§","°","¶","¿","Å", "Ë","Ì","Í","Î","Ý","å", "6«","7«","8«","9«", "|", "8Þ","9Þ", "S","s","V","v","U","u","£","3","ª", "R","r","5","H","h","‰","´","~", "`", "6","7","8","9","0","0f", "T","t","Y","y","b","W","w","G","g", "K","k","ˆ","A","a","E", "e","D","d", "o","/","N","n","J", "j", "Z","z","i","if",":",";","X","x", "Ø", "cf‘","c‘f","cf}","cf]","cf","c","O{","O","pm","p","C","P]","P", "f‘","\"","'","+","f","[","\\","]","}","F", "L","M","f]","f}") //************************************************************ //Put "Enter chunk size:" line before "